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  • 흡입마취기사진
  • 흡입마취기
    • 보유부서비임상지원센터 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단
    • 제조사Draeger
    • 모델명FAbius GS primium


1. Compact mobile inhalation anaesthesia machine with integrated ventilator and monitoring for pressure volume and oxygen; extended monitoring available 2. Anaesthesia system suitable for low flow or high flow anaesthesia with rebreathing or nonrebreathing systems optimized for infant to adult ventilation 3. S-ORC (Senstive - Oxygen Ratio Controller) propotional valve prevents delivery of hypoxic mixtures or Link-25 hypoxic gard 4. Precise vaporizing system for one or two vaporizers with interlock system 5. Various measurement and monitor units 6. Cupboard with 3 drawers with writing table or two drawer 7. Integrated electrically-driven electronically controlled anaesthetic vent 8. Full Color TFT LCD screen


장비상세정보로 취득일자, 제작국가, 장비상태, 활용범위, 장비용도, 설치장소 를 안내하는 표
취득일자 2014-05-14 제작국가 독일
장비상태 활용 활용범위 기관내부활용
장비용도 기타 설치장소 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 오송읍 오송생명로 123 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단 비임상지원센터 FF1층
연락처 0432009826

규격 및 특징

1. Gas dosage unit including safety devices
1) Fresh gas flow range
- O2: 0 - 12 L/min
- N2O: 0 - 12 L/min
- Air: 0 - 12 L/min
- Vertual flow tube on the Anesthesia monitoring screen
2) S-ORC (Sensitive Oxygen Ratio Controller)
3) Automatic audio oxygen failure alarm (7 sec duration)
2. Breathing system
1) Fresh gas decoupled semiclosed system or volume compensation system
2) Modes of ventilation : Manual/spontaneous ventilation/VC/PC/SIMwith ps
3) Sodalime absorber (capacity 1.5 litre)
4) High pressure safety relief valve 75 + 5 mbar (cmH2O)
5) Visible inspiratory and expiratory valve
6) Breathing system autoclavable 134 oC
3. Anaesthetic ventilator
1) Ventilator parameter
-Tidal volume (VT): 20 - 1400 mL
- TI : TE: 4:1 - 1:4
- TIP:TI: 0 - 50 %
- PEEP: 0 - 20 mbar (cmH2O)
4. Plug-in vaporizer system
1) Vaporizers can be transported in filled conditions
2) Vaporizer temperature compensated in the range of 18 oC to 35 °C
3) Agent setting range
- Isoflurane: 0 - 6 %
- Sevoflurane: 0 ? 8%

콘텐츠 제공 담당자

  • 부서사업관리팀
  • 이름이재원
  • 연락처043-200-9067