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  • 나노입도분석기사진
  • 나노입도분석기
    • 보유부서신약개발지원센터 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단
    • 제조사Malvern Instruments
    • 모델명ZEN 1600


Measurement Method 1) Using the theory of Dynamic light scattering based on ISO13321 2) Backscatter (more than 165degree) preferred for concentrated dispersions very small particle(<1nm) and macromolecules (>1000Da) 3) This is achieved by a phase analysis light scattering (PALS) Mixed mode measurement (FFR + SFR) 4) Organic solvent sample can be measured by Smoluchowski formula and Huckel formula in analysis software 5) Absolute molecular weight can be measured with static light scattering method 6) High concentration (~40%) sample can be measured (Prefer various measurement point - Non invasive back scatter for better size measurement)


장비상세정보로 취득일자, 제작국가, 장비상태, 활용범위, 장비용도, 설치장소 를 안내하는 표
취득일자 2013-12-20 제작국가 영국
장비상태 활용 활용범위 기관외부활용
장비용도 시험 설치장소 충청북도 청주시 흥덕구 오송읍 오송생명로 123 오송첨단의료산업진흥재단  신약개발지원센터 F5층 505
연락처 0432009545

규격 및 특징

구성 1. Nano Particle Size Analyzer 2.Data processing system
성능 1.Optic system 1) Laser : 4mW 632.8nm He-Ne gas laser or equivalent 2) Detector : Avalanche Photodiode Detector 3) Size measurement Angle : 165 degree or more 4) Debye Plot for MW measurement 5) Automatic attenuation selection for light intensity automatic control for variable concentration sample
2. Measurement range 1) Size (diameter) : 0.3 10000nm or wider 2) Size measurement : 165 degree or more 3) Conductivity range : 0 to 200mS/cm or wider 4) Temperature range : 10 - 90 degree or wider

콘텐츠 제공 담당자

  • 부서운영지원팀
  • 이름이강휘
  • 연락처043-200-9823